The Human Tumor Specific Protein 70 ELISA Kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantitative measurement of Tumor Specific Protein 70 in human serum. The results of this kit are to be used as an aid in the monitoring of treatment efficacy for patients who have been diagnosed previously with cancer.
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The Human Tumor Specific Protein 70 IHC Kit is a qualitative immunohistochemical (IHC) assay intended use for the identification of Human Tumor Specific Protein 70 (SP70) antigen in normal and neoplastic formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues for histological evaluation. The Mouse anti-human SP70 monoclonal antibody specifically detect the SP70 antigen-expressing cells. Interpretation must be made by a qualified pathologist, within the context of a patient's clinical history, proper controls, and other diagnostic tests.
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The Human Tumor Specific Protein 70 Circulating Tumor Cell Kit is an immunomagnetic bead capture based liquid biopsy assay intended for the enumeration and morphology of the circulating tumor cells (CTCs) of Tumor Specific Protein 70 (SP70) in whole blood. A nano magnetic bead coated with the monoclonal antibody NJ001 is designed to identify the tumor cells with SP70 antigen expression in whole blood in vitro. The detection results are to be used as an aid in identifying benign and malignant of tumor cells in whole blood.